A daily look at the Bloomsburg University Athletic teams.

Summer is Here-Social Media Is Here

Written by Bloomsburg Sports Info on 5:25 AM

Well summer is now officially here and the weather in this part of PA is finally starting to warm-up and dry out.

I hope you have all heard of Twitter by now. If not, then let me tell you it is a great way to get short text messages (or web only updates) on many topics. Here at BU Sports Information we have been "tweeting" for a few months now. Go to Twitter.com and get your free account, then sign up to "follow" BUSportsinfo. When the fall sports get underway we'll be providing daily updates of what is happening with Bu sports. Many times we'll be tweeting right from the event giving you the quickest update on what is happening.

In the coming year we'll be providing some video clips of what is happening at Bloomsburg with our sports teams. We experimented briefly in the spring, but now that we have some new equipment we'll be doing more You Tube videos. Check out our latest video...this one dealing with the renovation project at Nelson Field House by going here. Of course feedback is always welcome.

More photos will be coming in the next week or so to the BU Photo Store. Check it out by going here.

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