A daily look at the Bloomsburg University Athletic teams.

Getting Ready for Tennis on Wednesday

Written by Bloomsburg Sports Info on 7:06 AM

Good afternoon. Here is the Huskies Update for Tuesday, May 12th.

The only action left for the Huskies is tennis tomorrow in Orlando, FL. The men's team will face Concordia, NY at 8 a.m. in a quarterfinal match, while the women will face Lynn University at 1:30 p.m. in the quarterfinals. Read a preview of the championships by clicking here.

As we near the end of the sports season be sure to make our sports web page a frequent stop during the summer for all the latest news on the Huskies. Also, you've heard about Twitter on every news show and in TV commercials and the Huskies are part of it. Sign up to follow the Huskies on Twitter and get the latest news delivered to you via text message. It's free and a great way to follow the Huskies. Click here to go to our Twitter page.

Be sure to vote on our final poll of this sports season. The weekly sports polls will return in late August.

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